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RUS  |  UA  
Donetsk national technical University (DonNTU) |
Master of Science: Speciality: Faculty | Myakenkiy Artem Yurievich Economical cybernetics Computing technics and computer science |
Master's work theme: | "Modelling and reengeeniring business-processes of the remote education in University" |
Supervisor: | Datsun Natalya Nikolaevna, Ph. D. |
e-mail: | myakenkiy@ukr.net | |
      I was born on March, the 28th, 1981 in Thorez in Donetsk region. Father, Yury Aleksandrovich, works as the deputy chief of sector on mine "Lesnaya". He has brought up in me such features as diligence, responsiveness, diplomacy, has instilled love to a nature during often walks to fish and to mushroom. Those nights and mornings that were spent on fishing, have remained in my memory forever. Mother – Nadezhda Yakovlevna, works as nurse in dispensary-sanatorium of “Progress” mine. She regularly reminded me, that the most important is to study well, so she stimulated me to be among the best on progress. Due to her support and belief in me it was possible for me, and I’m very grateful to her.
      When I was 6 years, I entered the first form in school No.18 of Thorez. 4 years later a new school No. 17 was built not far from my place, in which I studied till the ninth form. Before the fifth class I was not rather special, I just studied well. Since the fifth form I was considered to be one of the best pupils, at least, among boys. My behavior at school was not ideal, but quite exemplary. I usually got “four” marks on languages, except English. At Olympiad on English I won first place in school twice. At city competitions I has won only the fourth place.       In 1996-1998 I studied at school No. 2. Some teachers left special impressions during school years, they are: Tanskaya Olga Dmitrievna (form-master) - the teacher of biology and geography, Chuikova Natalia Nikolaevna - the teacher of algebra and geometry, Havrenkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna. - the teacher of the English language, Olinkevich Galina Vasilevna - the teacher of history and jurisprudence, and also from school No. 2: Golovko Alla Dmitrievna - the teacher of Russian and the literature, Markovenko Ivan Alekseevich - the teacher of physics etc. These teachers’ distinctive features were nonordinarity, professionalism and the creative approach to studying process of pupils.       One of the most loved lessons were lessons of physical culture. I went in for sport since I was 8 when I joined the Greek-Roman wrestling section. The 3 place on the CIS countries competition, the 5th place at regional competitions, and some awards for 1 place on championships in Thorez I consider to be my best personal achievements. Audiskas Vladimir Antonovich made a huge contribution to the development of sports, Greek-Roman wrestling exactly. He brought up a courage, force in many children at that time, saved them from idleness in streets. Due to his work many guys visited competitions in different cities of Ukraine, Russia, the most successful of them have visited and won the championships of Europe. For years later I passed to the section of football. I trained during 2 years, played at the main staff at regional competitions for “3-BIS” team.       According to the results of entrance examinations I was took in as a first year student of a “Economical cybernetics” speciality. |